Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6 days

We had another doctor appointment today. Everything looks good - the babies heart rate was 150, and I was measuring maybe a little bigger than almost 18 weeks, but still within what would be considered normal for now.

I love going there and hearing the heartbeat, and I realize I find myself getting a little paranoid a few days before my appointment. I start thinking, what if there is no heartbeat? What if the flutters I have been feeling really are not the baby? Its paranoia, I know, but not completely unfounded. Although miscarriage is less common this far along, it happens. I can see why people get those home dopplers that you can rent or buy, although I could not justify for myself.

I was really hoping to have our anatomy / gender ultrasound this Friday. My midwife said no, that she does not want us to go until I am exactly 18 weeks - which is Saturday. I called and tried to schedule it for then, but they were full in the morning so I scheduled it for next Monday. I'm a little bummed out right now about having to wait six days, but in the long run it will not seem like a big deal (...I know this, but still its killing me). I am just DYING to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I know what most people are rooting for, but at the same time I suspect its going to be the other.

I admire anyone that can wait for birth to find out the sex, but it will really help me with some planning and reduce some anxiety when we do find out. So far, the only thing we have bought is a crib. You cannot buy clothes without knowing the sex, there is very little that looks gender neutral. So, now I wait 6 days...


lindsay said...

can't wait either... thinking about you tons!!! xo

Meadow said...

I had to wait until 20 weeks! Can't wait to find outwhat you are having, go team Girl!

Anonymous said...

Exciting!!! COngrats,.....I'm wishing you a girl.... Jennifer

Heather said...

I waited til I delivered to find out what we were having. As long as it was healthy, that's all that mattered. I am super excited for you both! Can't wait to hear the sex of this little bundle of joy. Thanks for sharing your news and keeping us all updated.

Brandy said...

Hi honey and Brandon,
I am so hoping it is a girl but i know that boys are easier. Girls are more fun to dress and do fun hair styles. Keep me posted can't wait for another baby in the family and to ne Nay-Nay to another kiddo. Love ya lots!!!!

Parko Post said...

I'm excited to find out! I'm really hoping girl...but kinda feeling boy! I hope I am wrong!! Make sure you post it SOON after finding out! Also...I have a home doppler if you wanna borrow it! I was super paranoid...so I broke down and bought it!