Sunday, March 14, 2010

A hunting we will go!

We have actively begun looking for a house of our own to purchase. It will be small, it will be old, and it surely will still be in Sugarhood.

We went out with our realtor Christina on Friday and powered through about a dozen houses in 3 hours. I say 'about' cause honestly I lost track. It was actually a little overwhelming at the end, but we saw some great places, some decent places, and a place or two that I walked out of without even seeing the whole house. Christina is awesome; giving us newbie tips and questioning why we want certain attributes in our house (she asks one homeowner: "could you store beer in that basement?" ")

We realize we are not the 'fixer upper' type of folks, so that eliminates a few of the houses. I just cannot see the potential hidden behind mirrored walls, bad flooring and unfinished basements.

We came up with a top two list (separately we had decided on the same two houses!), and so now when I do something around the house I try to imagine myself doing it in either of those two houses (and wondering - where was the linen closet in that house? Was there enough kitchen cupboards?). I want to go back and spend more time in them, but I also want to see other houses.

We are feeling pretty confident that we can find a house that fits us and (almost more importantly) contract or close on it by April 30 so we can get the cash money the Gov wants to give us. Wish us luck!


Tessa said...

Oh and also, is it bad that I just got excited because this means there will be a housewarming party? Which of these 2 houses has the best area for Dance Party USA?

Robyn Rasmussen said...

Good luck to you both! I remember looking at houses to buy and it was a daunting prospect. I know you'll find something that just feels like home when you walk in.