Thursday, March 25, 2010


Relationships come, relationships go. (Yes, I realize how flippant that sounds but it is not my intention.) Reasons for dissolution vary. And one thing I have noticed, which I cannot quite understand, is that sometimes the very reason one relationship flounders and goes under, is the same thing that reinforces another and causes it to thrive. I truly believe that we are of the latter.

I don't talk about it much (for various reasons, but one of the big ones being that I hate it when someone 'alludes' to a problem, but then won't respond to questions about the aforementioned issue. I suspect I am doing just that right now, so deal with it) but BCH and I have really been through quite a bit the last year and especially this last winter. Events that can (and have) destroyed the bond between two people have really caused us to buckle down and hold tight. I feel like we have had a sort of hibernation this winter - physically and mentally - and are just now starting to stick our feelers out into the world to see that basically life continues to go on. Nothing stopped for me while I was wallowing in my head. And that is the way it should be.

I feel so revived and hopeful with the spring weather we have been having. The little things fill my heart with joy, like the new red buds coming out of the ground where our Bleeding Heart was. I suspected the plant was dead, but it has surprised me. Spring has brought on this great sense of anticipation for us and for our future. I know that anticipation can be a blessing and curse, for anticipation does bring expectation which can result in disappointment, but I choose to not worry about that now. I do know though, whatever may happen in the coming weeks, we will be okay.

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