It was SO COOL to see the little flutter of heartbeat on our little blob on the screen. She pointed out which ovary it came from (the right) and everything seems to be growing well. She even did a 3-D picture for us, which is kinda silly cause its just a blob in 3-D and the regular picture actually looks better I think. I really can't wait to show the pictures with everyone, but right now we have just kept them to ourselves.
I have been so sick! Not throwing up ever (although I wish sometimes I did), just a really precarious stomach not unlike a next day hangover stomach (i'm sure there are those that can relate). I had about 1 1/2 weeks of feeling just horrible, not eating made me feel crappy, eating too much made me feel crappy, and eating anything was the same. Water made me feel sick. I usually drink a lot of it, so that was hard and also made me dehydrated. I started taking B6 pills and trying really hard to eat small meals and not drink with my food (SO hard for me!) and I have felt a bit better the last few days. I'm not sure if its the vitamins or what, but I am thankful that instead of constantly feeling nauseous I just feel it mildly a few times a day. Amanda says she heard on NPR that the sicker you are, the higher your babies' IQ. Uh huh.
I have been EXHAUSTED. I feel totally lame cause we just moved and there are still so many things to do around here and its all I can do to go to work and come home and stay awake until bedtime. BCH has certainly taken on a heavier load around here and I love him even more for it. I don't remember feeling like this with my other pregnancies; I am worried that my age is going to really make this a tough one if its killing me at this point. Hopefully I will get that second trimester surge of energy I have read about.
We have our first appointment with our midwife, Lindsay, in about two weeks and I hope at that point everything is on track. If so, I think we will start telling people then. I can't wait!